Megszülettek a hármas iker anyuka hármas ikrei

Megszülettek a hármas ikrei annak a magyar anyukának, aki maga is egy hármas ikerpár egyik tagjaként látta meg a napvilágot.

A cikk több mint 3 éves. Tartalma elavult információt tartalmazhat.
2019. február 05. Czefernek Léna

Triplet with triplets néven olvashattuk annak a magyar anyukának a történetét az Instagramon, aki hármas ikrekkel volt várandós. Történetének csavarját az adja, hogy annak idején ő is hármas ikrek egyik tagjaként látta meg a napvilágot.

A Norvégiában élő Judit a hétvégén tudatta követőivel az örömhírt: a terhesség 34. hetében megszülettek az ikrek, Filip Alexander, Amelia Helena és Henrik Mikael.

A hármasikreket császármetszéssel segítették világra, mivel a 33. héten hármuk közül két kisbabánál már nem volt kielégítő a tápanyagfelvétel.



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❤🌏🌎🌍❗Hello World❗🌍🌎🌏❤ Thank you so much for cheering for us and for all the encouragment we have recieved in forms of very kind messages and thoughtful comments sent to our Mommy while she was carrying us. We are doing fine and we have already spent a lot of time cuddling with our parents and aunties. We need to grow, put on some weight, learn to control our pulse, learn to eat both from breast and bottle and keep ourselves on a suffiecient temperatur. 🤴🏼👸🏼🤴🏼 Much love💙💖💙, Filip Alexander, Amelia Helena and Henrik Mikael . On behalf of Judit and Glenn we would like to say thank you for all the support, love, encouragment, sweet messages, useful informations you shared with us. Thank you for cheering for these three little Miracles. Judit is still feverish and struggle with some post partum issues. She is in great hands, we have been visiting every day and Glenn is staying with her and the babies in the hospital. We want her to take her time to recover and focus on getting better. Until then we are running the account without her (with her permission of course😊😍🙈😁). Big hugs, Sofia and Szilvia 💖💖 . . . Thank you Trine-Lise @trlxphotography @trlx for taking our very first photos yesterday. . . . #triplets #trillinger #tripletsofoslo #postpartum #aunties #newfamily #henrik #amelia #filip #nicu #helloworld #nicemeetingyou #thankyou #mommy #daddy #aunties #pregnantwithtriplets #tripletsmom #sisters #siblings #identical #fraternal #ourbabies #tachycardia #sweetbabies #love #blessed

triplet_with_triplets (@triplet_with_triplets) által megosztott bejegyzés,

A babák egészséges világrajövetelét tüdőérlelő injekcióval segítették az orvosok. A legnagyobik, Filip 2800, a középső, Amelia 1522, a legkisebb, Henrik pedig 1488 grammal született. Jelenleg a kórházban vannak, és az édesanya tájékoztatása szerint még egy hónapig ott is maradnak, amíg a babák megerősödnek és megtanulnak önállóan szopizni.

Így nézett ki a babapocak a terhesség 33. hetében, azaz nem sokkal a szülés előtt:



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Week 33 (gestational age) . Not the usual bump photo as I got admitted to the hospital yesterday. . About today’s scan: 👶🏼💙Baby A could have more amniotic fluid around him but all seems to be fine with him, he is growing and has good blood flow in his umbilical cord. He is around 2kg! 😊😍 #mybigboy . 👶🏼💖Baby B has not grown and the doctor was not satisfied with the blood flow in her umbilical cord. She has sufficient amount of amniotic fluid around her. . 👶🏼💙Baby C has not grown either and the blood flow in his umbilical cord wasn’t satisfying. . I was told that I did not need to be worried, but that it was time for a steroid injection which will enhance the babies’ lungs maturity. From now on the babies will be monitored daily with CTG and the plan is to keep them in at least for another 48 hours so the steroid will have enough time to work its full effect. From now the doctors are taking one day at a time so we still don’t have a date set for the c-section. The steroid I got usually improves the blood flow and it might gives some extra days for the babies before they’ll have to come out. . If the CTG results will come back fine then the next ultrasound scan will be on Monday. I am calmer now and glad that I asked for a second opinion and extra check up and hoping that all will go fine. Everyone is keep telling me that 33 weeks gestational age is great so I am trying to think positive and hoping that everything will go fine with all 3. . 💙💖💙Thank you for all the kind words, comments and messages! I very much appreciate them 💙💖💙! . . . #expectingtriplets #gravidmedtrillinger #graviditet #rikshospitalet #lungemodningssprøyte #minkropp #snartmamma #soontobemom #mybabies #mybody #changesofthebody #update #scanning #ultrasound #oslo #universitetssykehus #norway #norge #tripletmommy #tripletsofnorway #tripletsofinstagram #tripletmommy #mothershape

triplet_with_triplets (@triplet_with_triplets) által megosztott bejegyzés,